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Forth edition – 2017






The non-governmental association “Club UNESCO Leonardo da Vinci Sofia” in collaboration with the National Music School “Lyubomir Pipkov”, organizes the Fourth International Violin Competiton “VASCO ABADJIEV”.

The international competition for violinists is a part of the project “Shakona” of Club UNESCO “Leonardo da Vinci”, that has the goal to revive the national and international memory of the great Bulgarian violinist Vasco Abadjiev (1926-1978).

The competition will take place once every two years.

The fourth contest will take place in Sofia (Bulgaria) from 23 to 26 November 2017 at the National Music School “Lyubomir Pipkov”.


For contest participation, violinists from all countries and nationalities, that to the date of opening of the contest are not older than 30 years, or born after 30.12.1987 can apply. They all have to meet the conditions of the regulations.

Art.6 All who wish to participate in the contest have to submit the following documents by 23.10.2017:

  1. Application after the pattern.
  2. Short autobiography, containing data for the candidate’s education, participation in forums, adjudged awards, etc.
  3. A copy of identification document- ID card, passport.
  4. Photograph.
  5. Document for paid fee, in case I has been an advance.
  6. A list of the compositions that are to be performed during both rounds of the contest and at the gala concert.

The fee for participation is 50 (fifty) euro or 100 (hundred) leva and is to be paid at registration in the beginning of the first day of the competition or in advance to the following bank account:

UNICREDIT BULBANK AD, Sofia Zapaden Park 127, Slivnitsa, Blvd., IBAN: BG45UNCR70001520905134, BIC: UNCRBGSF, in favor of: CLUB UNESCO “LEONARDO DA VINCI” SOFIA.

All bank fees for payment transfers are for the participants.

The participation fee is non-refundable, unless the competition is cancelled.

The documents under Art.6 have to be sent by post at the following address:
For “VASCO ABADJIEV” Competition, “Sveta Troitza”, Bl. 378, ent. D, ap. 94, Sofia-1309, Bulgaria
or by e-mail at the following address: club@unesco-ldv.com.

The documents of the foreign participants have to be in English.

The candidates allowed to enter the contest will be informed in a written manner by 03.11.2017.

Every candidate has to pay for his  her own transport, traveling allowances and expenses for the stay during the contest, insurance and medical  expenses as well as the expenses of all companions and others, if there are such. If the participant do not have pianist, such will be arrange be the organizers with additional payment of 25 Euro per round, paid by the participant.



The competition will be carried out in three rounds:

  1. The right to participate in the first round “Common hearing” have all violinists that have been approved to take part. The performances in this round will be with a total duration of up to 30 min. They will include:
  •  J. S. Bach– two part /first and second/ through  the solo sonatas or Shakona through Score for solo violin №2;
  •  Caprice/etude/ by N. Paganini, H. Viyanyavski, V. Abadjiev, etc.  or one part of the solo sonatas for violin of E. Izay- by candidate’s choice;
  •  V.A. Mozart – first part /with cadenza/ from the concerts for violin № 3, 4, 5, and 7 – by candidate’s choice.
  1. The right to participate in the second round have the candidates that have been chosen by the jury after the first round. The performances in the second round are with a total duration of up to 40 min. of:
  •  Complete sonata  for violin and piano by L. v. Beethoven, F. Schubert, R, Shuman, J. Brams, Ed. Grig, G. Fore, C. Frank, C. Debussy, M. Ravel, P. Hindemith, B. Bartok, S. Prokofiev, D. Shostakovich, P. Vladigerov, L. Pipkov, V. Abadjiev, etc.-by candidate’s choice;
  •  Play / Virtuoso play – by candidate’s choice
  1. The right of participation in third round will have these candidates that are approved from the jury after the second round.
  • Concert for violin – first or second and third, or third and fourth part of L. v. Beethoven, J. Brams, N. Paganini, Bruch, P. Tchaikovsky, Vienyavski #1 and #2, – by candidate’s choice.
  1. The candidates perform the compositions that are going to present in the different rounds in the order that they want, and have to include them in the application form.
    5. The announced program is not to be changed. The compositions for participation in all rounds are to be performed in original.
  2. All compositions are performed by heart /apart from the sonata/. All pieces, sonatas and concerts are to be performed with a piano accompaniment.
  3. All performances are public.
  4. The participants bring pianos of the compositions that they will not perform solo. All candidates have the right to rehearse before every round of auditions.
    9. The competition is organized and conducted with the following schedule:
    On 23.11.2017, Thursday:

-from 8.30h  till 10h registration of the candidates, allowed to participate and payment of the participation fee. It is conducted by the Secretariat of the Competition in the building of NMS “Lyubomir Pipkov”;

– at 10.30h. – formal opening of the competition with a presentation of the International Jury;
– at 11h draw of the lot for the order of participation of the candidates in the rounds of the contest;

Date 23.11.2017:
•    Audition: 11,30 – 13,30h
•    Pause: 13,30 – 15,00h
•    Audition: 15,00-17,30h
•    Pause: 17,30 – 18,00h
•    Audition: 18,00 – 19,30h


Date 24.11.2017:
•    Audition: 10,00 – 12,00h
•    Pause: 12,00 – 14,00h
•    Audition: 14,00-16,30h
•    Pause: 16,30 – 17,00h
•    Audition: 17,00 – 19,00h


Date: 25.11.2017:.

– Audition: 14,00 – 16,30h

– Pause: 16.30 – 17.00h

– Audition: from 17.00 – 19.00


Date: 26.11.2017.
10.  The finalists are announced after the end of the third round. The bestowment of the awards will take place during the closing gala-concert of the laureates, in which the participation of the finalists is obligatory and free.


The jury consists of music teachers and violinists that are famous internationally.

The evaluations of the jury are formed by rules, accepted and established by the organizers.

The jury’s decisions are final and not to be contested. The jury has the right to interrupt the performance of the participants if it is over the competition’s time, appointed under Art.13, p.1 and 2  in the regulations.

A member of the jury, who in the last two years has been teaching or has any other relation to a candidate in the contest, must announce it before the beginning of the performance and withdraw from evaluating the respective candidate.


Art. 18 The jury adjudges the following prizes

  1. Prize: 1500 (thousand five hundred) euro, a statuette, diploma-charter, rank of laureate.
  2. Prize: 1000 (thousand) euro, a statuette, diploma-charter, rank of laureate.
  3. Prize: 500 (five hundred) euro, a statuette, diploma-charter, rank of laureate.
  4. Prize for young talent: 300 (three hundred) euro.
  5. Special Prize will be announced later

All participants will receive a “PARTICIPATION DIPLOMA”.

The jury has the liberty to divide, as well as not to adjudge some of the awards. Other encouraging and special awards, constituted by institutions, private parties and sponsors can be suggested and coordinated with the jury’s opinion and announced additionally.


The organizers preserve the right to introduce changes to these regulations if needed.

The organizers do not bear responsibility for any damages of persons and objects, caused on the way to the contest, or during the competition.

By entering the contest, the participants confirm their agreement with these regulations.

All copyrights are owned by the organizers.

The candidates confirm the acceptance of all the regulations by signing the application for participation in the contest.

Every candidate gives permission to the organizers to store and use personal data, to record their performances and take photographs, register, render and show the concert and parts of it within the media domain, in internet, in printed publications, for the purposes of conducting the contest, advertising and popularization of it, as well as for announcing its results.

Sound and video recordings of the performances are made by authorized persons; the organizers have exclusive rights for their safe-keeping and duplication. Recording by unauthorized individuals, as well as picture taking during auditions is not allowed.

For the interpretation of these regulations the only valid language is Bulgarian.

Copyright 2011-2019 - Club UNESCO Leonardo da Vinci Sofia